Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Horrorhound Weekend Columbus 2012

Every horror fan out there should hit up some kind of horror convention in their life time. I got hooked on my very first one and now I try to hit up as many horror cons as I can though out the year.

Horrorhound Columbus was the first Horrorhound of the year, The first Horrorhound in Columbus, and The first Horrorhound I attended. Right off the bat I will say that Horrorhound Weekend was a blast. I was only there for one day but it was one great day. The show is quite large with 2 big vendor rooms and a lot of great horror guests from some of my favorite movies.

There were so many guests at this show that I wanted to meet but unfortunately I didn’t have the time or money to meet them all. I did however use my money and time wisely to meet the guests that I was most excited to see. My first and main objective was to meet Danielle Harris (Halloween 4 & 5, Rob Zombies Halloween). As a huge fan of the Halloween series I was very excited to meet Danielle. I love the Halloween series and my favorite Halloween girl has to be Jamie Lloyd from Halloween 4 and 5. I brought my limited edition Halloween 4 DVD to be signed, which is now one of my favorite items in my collection. She was super nice and I hope to see her again at more cons in the future. I also met the horror master Stuart Gordon (Director of Re-Animator) and Lynn Lowry (I Drink Your Blood, The Crazies). Their were SO MANY other great guests at this convention that I didn’t get to meet but would have loved to, please check out the upcoming Horrorhound shows and if you can make it GO TO IT!

Horrorhound Weekend was packed and filled with people and all things horror. I found a lot of good movies, shirts, and anything horror related at this show. I am going to have to stay for a whole weekend at the next Horrorhound show I make it to because I barely got to experience everything they had to offer at this show.

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