Saturday, August 27, 2011

VHS Collection: The Virgin of Nuremberg

Lately I have been in a big Christopher Lee mood so the other day I busted out a tape I got on a recent yard sale haul that I have never heard of before, The Virgin of Nuremberg from AIP Home Video. This was one of the nicer looking tapes I found at the yard sale and got instantly excited when I saw Christopher Lee’s creepy face on the front cover.

This movie turned out to be really good. It has a very cool Gothic Castle type atmosphere to it. If you like those types of movies check this one out. One minor downfall of this movie is that Christopher Lee’s horrifyingly amazing voice was dubbed with another voice but after the movie gets going it’s easy to ignore and dive into the murder mystery.
Their is a strange choice of music for this movie. Most gothic style movies I have seen do not include quick pace  Jazz music but overall it made the movie even more interesting and shows off the time it was made well.

The movie is about a man who inherits a museum of torture devices, one of which is called The Virgin of Nuremberg, a stand up coffin looking device with spikes inside that stab the victim in the eyes. The movie quickly turns into a “Who Done It?” type movie as the man’s wife discovers a dead woman in the Virgin of Nuremberg. This movie is full of characters that slowly die off at the hands of a masked executioner. I really liked this movie it kept me guessing and includes some interesting twists. Christopher Lee’s performance as the creepy museum custodian as I assumed was the best character in the movie.  Was he the masked killer? Find this movie and Find out!

Black Christmas Shirt

My latest horror purchase from the House of Mysterious Secrets!  

I love horror movies and i love to let everyone know by sporting horror movie t-shirts! I found this Black Christmas shirt and was sold after I saw it. I love this movie and the image on the front is just fantastic. This is an exclusive shirt from the House of Mysterious Secrets. Check out there other exclusive horror shirts and all the other creepy goodies they have.

Necrophagia Live

Earlier this month (8/6/11) Necrophagia played a nearby show in Kent Ohio that I Had to attend. I Just stumbled upon some videos of the show on youtube so i figured i would share them here. Most of time I can be seen head banging my head in the front and center of the stage

Necrophagia is the best in blood soaked horror death metal. This was my first time Experiencing Necrophagia live and I hope to see them again in the future.  With there newest line up Necrophagia played some old and some new tunes off of there newest album Death Trip 69, Check it out I highly recommended it for any horror/death metal lovers out there. Shout out to moloch333 on YouTube who took the videos at the show.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

New 555 Release by Massacre Video

After hearing about the rarity of 555 and seeing a VHS tape go for hundreds of dollars on eBay, I have always been super curious to see what this movie is all about.

Now thanks to Massacre Video 555 has been re released officially for the first time in three awesome versions. Limited Edition DVD, Limited VHS, and a standard non limited edition DVD. I Snagged myself a limited VHS which is already SOLD OUT! on the Massacre Video store. The only way to snag a VHS copy now is to pray to Satan that you can snag one at the Cinema Wasteland Horror Convention a the end of September in Strongsville Ohio. I also plan to get the DVD later to watch the special features that are included.

I am glad to support this project and I hope to see some more movies come back from the grave from independent video distributors like this.I would like to give Massacre Video props for doing something as great as this, especially for a one man operation! I can't wait to finally watch this movie!

Pre Order the  555 DVD !!!

Massacre Video Site

Monday, August 8, 2011


This has been #1on my list for quite some time the UNCUT Vestron release of THE MUTILATOR! (aka Fall Break) I am super happy to finally own a copy of this film. There is no official US DVD of this movie and from the one foreign DVD i have watched it seems a VHS copy is just as good and the current foreign DVDs that exist. From what i have read on CODE RED DVD's website there currently is no copy of the mutilator that can be restored for a proper DVD release.

There also is a rated R version of the film that is also released on Vestron Video. You can tell the difference by the covers, if the bottom has a blue boarder on the bottom it is rated R, if it is all black on the bottom it is un-rated. I don't know which is harder to find but you don't want to miss anything from this film so I would recommend searching for the Un-Rated Edition of the film.

I have not had time to watch this particular tape yet but i looks to be in great condition. I have seen the movie once before and i must say it is a very very great movie. If you have not seen it and get the chance WATCH IT! The Mutilator follows a classic horror/slasher style but really has a large impact with memorable killing scenes, especially when you find out what happens with that giant hook on the front cover.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

VHS Collection - Deathship

This is a movie I was searching for pretty hard. Mainly for its amazing cover. I know you can’t always judge a movie by its cover but this one one is especially great and hard to find on DVD. I know there are some foreign releases but as far as I know nothing out there in the US for Deathship on DVD just this VHS from Embassy Home Entertainment. I got this particular tape from eBay for about 10 bucks including the shipping which is a very good deal considering the $25 and $40 + prices I have been seeing on eBay for this same tape. Horror VHS prices have been sky rocketing lately and I and feel pretty damn lucky to have snagged this one for such a good price.

This movie was pretty great in my opinion. I am really into possessed haunted house type movies and a possessed haunted ship is just as great. Basically what we have here is a creepy ship lurking the ocean that attacks a cruise ship. The few survivors from the cruise ship attack end up stranded in the ocean on a raft and eventually end up being rescued, or so they think, onto a mysterious black ship. A DEATHSHIP which kind of sneaks up them believe it or not.

The Deathship doesn’t make it easy for the its new passengers as they search through the ship to find out its abandoned. Almost immediately upon arrival on the Deathship one of the survivors is hurled into the ocean by some ropes and killed in a freak accident. Right away we know that this is caused by this sneaky ship and once by one it attempts to take out the remaining survivors. Not only is the ship killing but we find out that the captain of the cruise ship is slowly transforming into a possessed mad man.

Personally I don’t like to be a spoiler so I wont go into to many more plot details. This movie while bizarre dose not really have the most detailed plot which is fine in my book. What I will say is that this movie has an awesome killer boat, guns, death (as expected by the title), blood, annoying kids, crazy boat captains, strange candy, and they even throw some Nazis in it!   

My favorite scene in the movie which is probably the creepiest part is when one of the female characters goes psychotic and screams for her life as she gets trapped in a shower that is spraying blood all over her. That scene was worth the movie for sure.

I recommend this movie for any horror fan, while its not the best one out there I think it is defiantly a must see, especially with its limited availability. watch it and find out why in the hell this ship is so pissed off!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Terror in the Swamp - 1985

Well I sure didn't know what I was getting myself into when I bought this one, which is exactly what I like about scrounging around in old video stores. You never know what you’re going to get. I found this Terror in the Swamp tape at a local buy/sell/trade store that sells thousands upon thousands of VHS tapes, DVD’s, books, all kinds of things. I had this tape for a while now and figured it was about time to watch it. This particular tape is from New World Video and has a very cool cover. It also  has a sticker on it from a video store called VIDEO KNOCKOUT Grafton Ohio. I am always interested to see where my movies came from.

To start off, this was a pretty bad movie, actually a very bad movie. This is one of those movies that lures you in with a creepy awesome cover and you just have to know what it’s all about. Then when you finally sit down your dreams are shattered. Terror in the Swamp takes place in the Louisiana Bayou and right from the start you find out that there is something with big claws is terrorizing the local fisherman and trappers. As word gets around a few main characters come to life, a game warden, two scientists, and two very large overall wearing swamp men named Jesse and T-Bob. So basically what we have here is large human shaped killing machine that is a science experiment gone wrong. And by looking at the front cover of this movie I would have never guessed that the horrifying creature was this….

A giant man slaying NUTRIA RAT! This harmless little creature turned into a monster because it was injected with human hormones in hopes to make a larger nutria rat to cause a boom in the trapping and fur trade market. Makes a lot of sense right? Well after the Jesse and T–Bob find out about this giant Rat Man Creature running around they all pretty much go insane and try to kill each other… that’s the best way I can describe what goes on in this movie. Seriously.

T-Bob and Jesse

My overall impression of this movie is not negative. This is a pretty bad movie, but for me that can be a good thing. Bad movies can also be entertaining, which is the whole point of watching movies in the first place. For as goofy as this movie ended up appearing, there are some scenes if taken seriously are pretty creepy. Once scene in particular is of the monster trying to break into someone’s home and all you can see is it clawing at the window with light beaming from behind it. 

 This is the most stunning visual part of the whole movie which is why they used it for the front cover. There are some other scenes I enjoyed at the end of the film that show the demise of some of the main characters, but I will leave them out to give some incentive to anyone who may actually read this to watch this movie.  I would probably only recommend this movie to people who have seen a lot of horror and sci fi and are just in the mood to watch something completely ridiculous. Most of the acting in this movie is horrendous but Jesse and T-Bob make good characters. Occasionally they throw in some even more terrible jokes. Something like: how many Cajuns does it take to eat a possum? . . . 2 one to eat and one to look out for cars…

I’m sure you can picture the kind of environment this movie portrays with that line alone.