Saturday, August 27, 2011

VHS Collection: The Virgin of Nuremberg

Lately I have been in a big Christopher Lee mood so the other day I busted out a tape I got on a recent yard sale haul that I have never heard of before, The Virgin of Nuremberg from AIP Home Video. This was one of the nicer looking tapes I found at the yard sale and got instantly excited when I saw Christopher Lee’s creepy face on the front cover.

This movie turned out to be really good. It has a very cool Gothic Castle type atmosphere to it. If you like those types of movies check this one out. One minor downfall of this movie is that Christopher Lee’s horrifyingly amazing voice was dubbed with another voice but after the movie gets going it’s easy to ignore and dive into the murder mystery.
Their is a strange choice of music for this movie. Most gothic style movies I have seen do not include quick pace  Jazz music but overall it made the movie even more interesting and shows off the time it was made well.

The movie is about a man who inherits a museum of torture devices, one of which is called The Virgin of Nuremberg, a stand up coffin looking device with spikes inside that stab the victim in the eyes. The movie quickly turns into a “Who Done It?” type movie as the man’s wife discovers a dead woman in the Virgin of Nuremberg. This movie is full of characters that slowly die off at the hands of a masked executioner. I really liked this movie it kept me guessing and includes some interesting twists. Christopher Lee’s performance as the creepy museum custodian as I assumed was the best character in the movie.  Was he the masked killer? Find this movie and Find out!

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