Monday, August 8, 2011


This has been #1on my list for quite some time the UNCUT Vestron release of THE MUTILATOR! (aka Fall Break) I am super happy to finally own a copy of this film. There is no official US DVD of this movie and from the one foreign DVD i have watched it seems a VHS copy is just as good and the current foreign DVDs that exist. From what i have read on CODE RED DVD's website there currently is no copy of the mutilator that can be restored for a proper DVD release.

There also is a rated R version of the film that is also released on Vestron Video. You can tell the difference by the covers, if the bottom has a blue boarder on the bottom it is rated R, if it is all black on the bottom it is un-rated. I don't know which is harder to find but you don't want to miss anything from this film so I would recommend searching for the Un-Rated Edition of the film.

I have not had time to watch this particular tape yet but i looks to be in great condition. I have seen the movie once before and i must say it is a very very great movie. If you have not seen it and get the chance WATCH IT! The Mutilator follows a classic horror/slasher style but really has a large impact with memorable killing scenes, especially when you find out what happens with that giant hook on the front cover.

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